The Draft river basin management plans consultation: summary of responses document is available to view:
The document summarises the main points raised from the 270 responses we received from this consultation on the draft RBMPs .
The main themes you told us about are:
You largely supported the implementation principles. However, you asked for more detail on how the principles will be implemented. Most agreed with the environmental objectives in the RBMPs . You wanted the environmental objectives to be achieved as soon as possible to help the environment deal with climate change. At the same time, you acknowledged that the scale of the challenge to achieve the objectives will also increase because of the pace of climate change. Many of you are concerned about the lack of progress since the last river basin management plans towards meeting good ecological status. You said that the draft RBMPs lack ambition.
Many of you wanted more clarity and improvements to the information about measures and you found this information difficult to use. Some of you wanted and expected to see more information on local measures about local places presented in a more accessible way. Conversely, other people wanted to see greater clarity on the strategic approach to prioritising action across different catchments (that is between different local places).
Catchment partnership pages are included in the RBMPs for the first time and you welcomed them. Many of you said the partnership pages demonstrate the growing importance of the Catchment Based Approach ( CaBA ) and catchment partnerships in implementing RBMPs .
There was wide agreement on these issues:
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.