Turf managers know that creating a sound agronomic plan is one of the secrets of a successful season as it provides good communication, better financial management, and a guide for purchasing products.
Agronomic plans also have to be updated before the start of the season to reflect necessary changes or new strategies. We surveyed a few of our golf course sales representatives for some helpful tips that can be added to an existing agronomic plan to ensure victory over the greens this season.
If anthracnose has been a problem for you in the past, consider a preventative application of Premion® from AMVAC as your second fungicide application this season. – Todd Fregien, Wisconsin
One great thing to do is to take soil tests to help develop a fertility plan. Foliar-Pak’s Soil Solver is a great tool that will show you the big picture of total nutrients available in your soil and the availability of those nutrients to your plant. These tests also come with full recommendations on how to address any issues that may exist. – John Dixon, Missouri
Vibratory rollers can be used for more than just rolling golf greens. The vibratory action gives them other uses. For example, if you slow down the vibrating increments, it works well to work dry topdressing sand into the greens canopy. If used regularly, they can discourage insect activity on that playing surface. Also, they work as a great training tool on a triplex. They require all the same operational steps as mowing without the dreaded risk of scalping. – Matt Welch, Ohio
If you are planning to do solid tine aerification on your greens this spring put your topdressing sand down first. The tines will help drive the sand into the holes, but even more important, it will cut down on any wheel tracks from the topdresser. – Jim Hess, Indiana