Checklist For An Annual Business Insurance Policy Review

Checklist For An Annual Business Insurance Policy Review

Checklist For An Annual Business Insurance Policy Review

The year-end means more than merriment, mistletoe, and your year-end business income and financial reconciliation-it are also the time to perform your annual business insurance review.

As your business has grown or shifted in the past year, likely so have your insurance needs. Small business owners and enterprise organizations alike should make annual insurance review a routine so you always have adequate coverage and aren’t paying any more than you absolutely have to.

Here are the different policies you should be reviewing, how you should assess your business needs, and provide you with a business insurance review checklist.

Insurance Policies to Review

Your business is likely holding several different insurance policies, and it is important to review them all. It may also be that as you’ve grown you will need to invest in some new ones, as well, depending on the type of business and what has changed in the past year.

Business Insurance Review Checklist

General Information

Business Offices

If you rent or lease:

Company Liability

Worker’s Compensation

We hope this list is helpful when looking at your ANNUAL Business Insurance Policy. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to talk to your CSR. We at McKnight want to shield you from life’s little upsets!!